Raychem DigiTrace RAYSTAT-ECO-10


Electronic Temperature Control systems are designed to control heating-cable circuits used in freeze protection, process-temperature maintenance and snow melting applications. Each has unique features that provide cost-effective electronic temperature control and extensive heat tracing circuit integrity monitoring. All offer digital displays, simple push-button configuration, and intelligent communications to remote PCs or a DCS via Modbus protocol. There are multiple control products available to meet any feature requirement.

The Raychem RAYSTAT-ECO-10 is an Electronic Proportional Ambient Sensing Temperature Controller used in a commercial heating system for frost protection for pipes. Adjustable temperature range: 0°C to 30°C; Maximum switching capacity 25A, 250Vac; PASC (Proportional Ambient Sensing Control) for energy management and efficiency; Alarm relay: 2A volt free with fault indicator.

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